Evolución de pacientes adultos en ventilación mecánica en modo ASV. UCI Hospital San Rafael Tunja agosto-diciembre 2014 Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Castro, Nubia
  • Martínez Rodríguez, Erika Brigitte
  • Velandia, Julio


  • This is an observational, descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study in order to describe the evolution of ventilatory mechanics, arterial gas analysis and ventilation time in patients on mechanical ventilation in ASV mode who were admitted at the critical care unit of Hospital San Rafael in Tunja during the months of August to December 2014. Our findings suggest that Adaptive Support Ventilation is a safe and efficient method for handling the ventilation in patients without multiple organ dysfunction . ASV could be used from the start of ventilation until the weaning , with a lower requirement of sedation during ventilation as a advantage, but considering factors such as sustained hypotension, hyperlactatemia, kidney failure and severe hypoxia may indicate the need for change of ventilation mode.

publication date

  • June 9, 2015 7:12 PM


  • Adaptive support
  • Mechanical ventilation

Document Id

  • 6fd53e37-ae11-4226-b70b-47d53c83285e