Factores que influyen en la aceptabilidad del uso de la vasectomía como estrategia para la disminución de embarazos no deseados por parte de miembros de las Fuerzas Militares de Colombia Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Garzón Cortes, Karen Irene
  • Vidal Rivera, Yuly


  • This thesis work was performed with the purpose of identify and determine the factors that influence the acceptability of vasectomy as a strategy for reducing unwanted pregnancies by members of the Armed Forces of Colombia in order to reduce the costs of the military health system.The study was exploratory, descriptive and with a quantitative approach, trying to identify the causes of low participation of men in contraception. The applied research tool was a survey of a population of 1,000 members of the National Army of Colombia, of which only 929 were valid, since the others were incomplete. This fact shows that the sample has the level of coherence, relevance and reliability, and supports the findings obtained with this work.The results of the study show that one of the most influential factors in the acceptability of vasectomy, is the academic and military grade of the Armed Forces members. One possible explanation is that the grade requires more education and probably, a greater understanding of the legal, social and familiar consequences of having children that have not been planned by the family.One of the key findings identified was that Armed Forces members are disposed to undergo vasectomy as a means of family planning. This situation is mainly due to the fact that a representative percentage of respondents agreed with this type of intervention (62%). Another important finding was that military respondents reported a very superficial knowledge about vasectomy due to an ignorance in a very significant group of them in key areas such as the reversal of the surgery.As a final conclusion, there is a significant group of respondents who reported not using any contraceptive method, this implies that the number of unwanted pregnancies can increase significantly. This can produce a favorable acceptability of vasectomy use as a planning method. However, is important to emphasize that this method is not an efficient mechanism to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

publication date

  • 2013-03-15


  • Acceptability
  • Armed Forces
  • Family Planning
  • Vasectomy

Document Id

  • 74a0e2ed-6770-4a64-a0e4-a5aa6269f457