La tutela administrativa diferenciada en situaciones de violencia doméstica basada en género Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Gómez López, Xavier


  • This article has as its main objective the development of the concept of differentiated effective administrative guardianship, through the protection measures established within the normative body 1257 of 2008. To do this, in the first measure the concept of violence was delimited to the domestic aspect, involving the partners or former partners of the victim. Followed by the development that was obtained in the Inter-American Court on Human Rights about effective administrative protection. Finally, the presentation and subsequent explanation of some measures of article 17, Law 1257 of 2008 referring to the administrative process as the first instance for the protection of your rights. As a closing, finally a set of reflections on the aspects developed in the article.

publication date

  • April 8, 2021 6:05 PM


  • Access to the administration of justice
  • Analysis of Law 1257 of 2008 Article 17 in Colombia
  • Legal actions against domestic violence against women
  • Principle of differentiated care in effective administrative guardianship
  • Protection measures against gender violence

Document Id

  • 7535962f-dd82-412d-8234-616781f9ac52