Prevalencia de los factores de riesgos cardiovasculares en trabajadores de planta y contratistas de una hidroeléctrica colombiana Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Díaz Díaz, Yulieth Angélica
  • Gutiérrez Tamayo, Carlos Augusto
  • Tovar Cuevas, José Rafael
  • Trillos Peña, Carlos Enrique
  • Trillos, Carlos Enrique


  • Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases have generated a high impact on morbidity and mortality, the disease burden of the population and years of healthy life, suffering the greatest impact on disability, which is imperative to control cardiovascular risk factors . The main cause of death in Colombia 2011 was heart disease, according to the National Institute of Health, which implies the importance of prevention and promotion.Objective: To estimate the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in workers at a hydroelectric company of Colombia in 2013, looking to do intervention with these.Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in a hydroelectric plant in Colombia. Sample: 113 workers who answered a comprehensive questionnaire adapted including socio demographic variables, work habits, nutritional, anthropometric and health information.Results: Respondents 113 workers , average age 39, between 21 to 59 years old, 69 % linkage by contractor , 31% directly by the company , the charges were divided in: production 58.4 % , 23% administrative , sundry 18 , 6% . In family history , hypertension and acute myocardial infarction was 19.5% , personal history and work stress 76.4 % , 55.8 % alcohol , 54.5 % sedentary lifestyle , body mass index (BMI > 24.9 ) 54 % while the lowest prevalence was acute myocardial infarction and stroke 0.9 % 6.3 % followed by smoking .Conclusions: There is a significant prevalence in certain modifiable factors, which mainly find work stress, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol consumption, overweight and obesity, susceptible to modification by promotion plans and specific prevention.

publication date

  • 2014-01-13


  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Cardiovascular risk factor
  • Hydroelectric
  • Occupational Health
  • Prevalence

Document Id

  • 7b52dede-aaf8-40b2-a0e9-0ab665009417