La influencia del género en los estudiantes de medicina de la universidad del rosario al momento de tomar la decisión de emprender Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Díaz Cifuentes, Camila Esperanza
  • Parra Torres, Gina Paola
  • Riveros Posada, Natalia Isabel


  • The School of Medicine of Universidad Del Rosario at a national and international level has become one of the most famous. That is why it becomes interesting to expand the study of the characterization of the entrepreneurial profile to this school contrasting with the rest of entrepreneurial Colombian population.For this reason a study was conducted to analyze the common factors among students of the School of Medicine at the University of Rosario taking into consideration the theories of expectation / judgment, the planned behavior theory and the model business event. This study was conducted to students of the faculty of medicine at the University of Rosario taking as directive if when making the decision to undertake do more men or women. For which the research is based on the three main theories mentioned above; expectancy theory / valuation of Victor Vroom, theory of planned behavior Ajzen Icek and the model business event Albert Shapero, which made possible an approach to the explanation of the relationship of gender to entrepreneurship. Also known as Entrepreneur Features behavior (CCE EMPRETEC) which is based on the theory of McClelland, reflecting factors associated entrepreneurial behavior motivational tool was used. Within the methodology it was determined the reflected differences in factors of entrepreneurial behavior among men and women in Colombia, also using as a basis the surveys to students of the Faculty of Medicine and the study by the GEM to entrepreneurial population.

publication date

  • March 25, 2015 5:36 PM


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Gender
  • Motivation
  • Need
  • Opportunity
  • Risk

Document Id

  • 7ccf5fb6-f8d3-4a5b-a11d-431b9b7c8a9b