Visión y análisis de las propuestas de reforma al Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud en Colombia, vigencia 2012-2013 Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Ortiz Amézquita, Emma Adriana
  • Romero Alvarez, Walter


  • With the Constitution of 1991, begins in our country a new operating structure, based in the precepts enshrined in the constitution as a social state of law, a situation in which the health sector was not immune, and started a social security as a public service based on the fundamental principles of universality, solidarity and efficiency, statements that were reflected into the Law 100 of 1993 among others, which incorporated these elements that were innovative in our context. Today, after 18 years of enactment of the Act, has generated a structural health model that has improved health outcomes, which although has its flaws in some of its components (Access, Resource Flow, Public Health), even that those can be overcome, with a system’s structural reform that allows to eliminate the private interests of the different actors in the system at the time of preparation and enactment.One of the significant advances in system reform is the enactment of health as a fundamental right, inherent to the human beings, giving the character of inalienable, imprescriptible and sacred, overshadowing its established performance based condition. The right to health will be the main axis, aligned with public health promotion and prevention, diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of the disease, which must be coordinated with the social, environmental, cultural and economic influence to enable the social determinants of health to improve the quality of life of the population.Into the health reform the funding axis as it is proposed will not generate substantial changes, since it is moving toward a system in which the state is the main actor with membership functions, collection, payment, or transfer of spin resources and responsible for the information. However, the health risk management continue as a delegated function that is crucial for managing the system resources, in short it shows the state's interest in resuming governance and empowerment as administrator of the public, not answering the changing needs into the health system.

publication date

  • September 11, 2013 1:03 AM


  • Access
  • Financing
  • Health Sector Reform
  • Health services

Document Id

  • 7d771b81-be05-42e6-9e68-91fa01ecc8a7