Estudio Comparativo entre los Modelos de Integración de la ASEAN y la Alianza del Pacífico Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Londoño Echeverry, Bernardo Andrés


  • Nowadays in a globalized world it is necessary to have a national and international commercial development outside of the traditional, because the changes that are experienced in all the fields: economic, political, cultural, and social do not release the world trade of this new dynamic; quite on the contrary, they have come to address the way to establish trade relations between the countries in an open way in which all may know, buy or sell their products directly or through intermediaries. Furthermore, technological advances have also entered to streamline this process to the point that just with a click you can be perform as a client or as a businessman. This study is expected to strengthen the AP through the help of the Association of Southeast Asian countries, providing solutions to the following questions: What are the similarities and differences in the integration of ASEAN and the Pacific Alliance? This is intended to identify the economic and business model of ASEAN and its references to the integration of the Pacific Alliance. Similarly it shall be expressed how this composed this partnership, what its structure is and how it has managed to solve their problems to stay active and valid after fifty years of establishment and operation.

publication date

  • September 6, 2018 4:34 PM


  • Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
  • Commercial Relationship
  • Empirical Assessment
  • Pacific Alliance (AP)

Document Id

  • 80862743-e031-4251-9e27-00ef194d290a