El papel de los actores internacionales ante la situación de la seguridad humana en un país con conflicto armado. Caso de estudio : Sudán Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Avendaño Quintero, Julieth


  • Sudan have a serious humanitarian crisis, in which international actors have spoken for an improvement in the situation of human security. However, this altruistic intention hiding the real interests of states like Chad, United States and China, who through the AU and the UN sought to legitimize their actions in pursuit of political, economic or geostrategic interests.

publication date

  • 2009-08-10


  • Human Security
  • International Actors
  • Sudan
  • conflict
  • interests

Document Id

  • 80f8812e-ec86-4d17-98de-37ceadd537a2