Importancia e influencia de las nuevas tendencias del entorno en la gerencia de la organización Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Reina Mejía, Juliana María


  • Summary: The constant interaction between markets, economies, cultures, and the world in general, has currently resulted in organizations developing within globalized environments, which forces companies to adapt to new tendencies and changes demanded by their environments. This results in the need to redesign organizations so that their focus is directed towards Human Resources, which are taking on a new role when the priority lies in issues of organizational design, leadership, experience, and digital talent. The following article aims to show and confirm the important influence of new organizational tendencies in 2017 regarding the role of direction found in management and its importance in decision-making.

publication date

  • 2017-05-22


  • Digital human resources
  • Global human capital trends
  • Globalization
  • International business environment

Document Id

  • 82905b60-acf0-412b-b4ba-cadbb0045ef0