Formulación de la plataforma estratégica de la dirección de marketing & comunicaciones Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Arias Londoño, Andrés Felipe
  • Rico Rodríguez, Neyda Anyelina


  • The Universidad del Rosario is the second oldest institution of higher education in Colombia, after the University Santo Tomás de Aquino founded in 1580. During its 365 years it has focused its efforts on the consolidation of a humanistic education with a research component, a reference of the political, social, economic and cultural debates of the country. The model of internal organization is similar to that of a College, specifically that of the universities of Salamanca and Bologna (Spain), currently becoming a private, autonomous institution governed by its students: Number Colleges, who choose the directives and generally arrive to occupy positions of responsibility in the institution. This model of internal organization has been evolving to adapt to the demanding and highly demanding dynamics of the education sector, characterized by increasingly heterogeneous audiences and global trends that mark milestones in history. In this way, the Universidad del Rosario has implemented a strategic rectoral approach capable of flexibilizing and organizing its governing bodies and administrative areas, in order to respond in a timely manner to the aforementioned aspects, through the generation of actions aimed at building value for its members. audiences, defined as the target publics or stakeholders, a central aspect of the Marketing & Communications Department. In the Universidad del Rosario this address belongs to the governing bodies that depend on the Rectory, as well as the Vice-Rector`s Office, the Superintendent`s Office and the General Secretariat. Within this context and in coherence with the accelerated dynamism of the higher education sector, accelerated macrotendencias and digital revolution, interest arises for the development of this applied business project, which raises a reinvention of the Marketing & Communications Directorate through a strategic platform that conforms to the guidelines of the roadmap 2025. The project is composed of two parts, the first will address the general concepts of strategic marketing planning, its components, the relevance they have on corporate strategy. In the second part, the strategic platform of the Marketing & Communications Department is created, making it possible to make feasible the rectoral proposal that is adjusted to the 2025 route.

publication date

  • September 26, 2019 12:54 PM


  • Guidelines
  • Marketing
  • Marketing & Communications Management
  • Rectoral vision
  • Route 2025
  • Strategic platform

Document Id

  • 86bff932-866f-4ede-a446-48e19ce3d321