Identificación de las relaciones reales y posibles entre la administración basada en modelos, la ciencia computacional de la organización y la ingeniería emergente en el contexto de la gestión organizacional Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Rivera Rodríguez, Juan Camilo


  • Administrative theories have been based, almost unexceptionally, on the bases and models of classic science (particularly on Newtonian physic models). However, organizations actually are facing a globalized world, filled with information (not necessarily knowledge), hyperlinked, dynamic and loaded of uncertainty, which may lead to limitation of theories. This perhaps won’t be caused by the structure, logic or the reach of the theories, but for the lack of judgement that justify their use. In many cases, organizations rely on intuition, assumptions and half-truths in decision making processes. This scenario highlights two facts: On one side, the need to find a method to understand the situations of organizations to support decision-making. On the other side, the need to enhance models and non-traditional techniques (usually from or inspired by engineering).The work that this paper seeks to anticipate the pillars for a possible method that support decision-making through simulation of computational models, using the possible interactions between model-based management, computational organizational theory and emergent engineering.

publication date

  • 2016-07-14


  • Computational organizational theory
  • Decision-making
  • Emergent engineering
  • Model-based management
  • Organizational risk
  • Simulation
  • Social systems

Document Id

  • 8dc80f2d-3349-48e1-a966-320e9b8df1dc