Calidad de vida en personas con hemofilia: una revisión de la literatura Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Muñoz Grass, Luis Fernando


  • Introduction: Hemophilia is a rare disease, however, treatment development for hemophilic patients in last decades have generated changes in their quality of life. This has resulted in several researches about it. Objective: Review literature about quality of life in hemophilic patients, produced in 2008-2012. Method: Some scientific data bases were consulted using as keywords hemophilia and quality of life. The information was collected and organized according to proposed objectives in physiological, psychosocial and cultural negative factors and protecting factors of quality of life; General or specific Quality of life assessment tools; and empirical background from the last five years about assessment or treatment of quality of life. Results: Overall, available information about the epidemiologic behavior of hemophilia is limited. Interest for protecting and negative factors is mainly of physiological type, although psychosocial and cultural factors were found, indicating the importance of further research on the subject. There are few quality of life specific assessment tools for hemophilia. Empirical background focuses on assessment. Conclusion: Hemophilic patients’ quality of life study deserves to be addressed in an interdisciplinary way.

publication date

  • 2013-12-03


  • Haemophilia
  • Quality of life

Document Id

  • 90db1a0d-3c1e-4502-b2cc-baf0bd09b962