Sistema político en Irán : el caso de Reformistas y Conservadores en las elecciones presidenciales de Muhammad Jatami en 1997 y Mahmud Ahmadinejad en 2005 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Ruiz Corredor, Sonia Maritza


  • In the western world and abroad there are many stereotypes and vantage points through which we can examine Iranian politics. The interior political mechanics of this country are practically unknown; Iran´s mixture of theocratic and democratic systems, as well as the existence of prominent Iranian political figures in the world scene, are notions that remain shrouded in some degree of mystery. Just as Muhammad Khatami had been during his presidency, or Mahmud Ahmadinejad at present, these personalities act to distort how Iranian politics are viewed from outside. The idea that Iran´s presidents are strong leaders, or that the executive branch is in fact independent, are indeed fallacies that beg to be analyzed in depth. This case study will present a theoretical model for examining these concepts in order to present the reader with a better understanding of the Iranian political system and its intricate internal workings.

publication date

  • December 16, 2010 10:22 PM


  • Iran
  • Mahmud Ahmadinejad
  • Muhammad Khatami
  • Political Sistem

Document Id

  • 9281d83a-1386-44c1-8d7f-74fed9a727c3