La contribución del liderazgo transformacional al empoderamiento de los empleados: revisión literatura de la evidencia empírica Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • López Mendoza, Erika Alejandra


  • The organizational empowerment according to Boren (1994), has been identified as the ability of the leader to promote the capacities and potentialize the strengths of the followers by means of trust, granting autonomy in decision making. This aspect, as highlighted (Peters 1992, Sosik et al., 2002), brings business benefits by generating innovation, happiness and productivity among employees, which leads them to the contribution of ideas. However, empowerment is the collective result of leadership Bennis & Nanus (1985), and it has been proven that transformational leadership is conducive to originate it, because it contributes to employee innovation and job satisfaction (Men & Stack, 2013; Barling , Weber & Kelloway, 1996). This document develops a literature review of empirical evidence from 2000 to 2018. It helps determine the aspects that foster the generation of empowerment, through transformational leadership. As a result of the literature review, the elements were identified through which the development of employee empowerment is adequately achieved. On the leader's side, the ability of the leader to clearly express the strategic plan, on the side of the employees, the innate and natural characteristics, the cooperation, the disposition towards organizational strategies and job satisfaction, and regarding the leader-follower relationship, mutual trust.

publication date

  • February 24, 2020 10:00 PM


  • Employees empowerment
  • Empowerment
  • Transformational leadership

Document Id

  • 92bb5ed5-13ce-4dca-9aa2-43ba553d50b8