Cobertura y acceso de la población trabajadora, a los programas de promoción y prevención del sistema general de riesgos laborales en Colombia, a través de las administradoras de riesgos laborales (ARL) Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Zuluaga Salgado, Judy Alexandra

external tutor

  • Hernández Herrera, Gilma Norela


  • The Ministry of Labour in Pro to strengthen research on health and safety at work, through a study of promotion and prevention in occupational hazards, made in 2002, 120 companies of Bogotá and Valle del Cauca; with the First National Survey of Health and Labour Conditions in the General System of Occupational Hazards, held in 2007 and the Second National Survey of Health and Safety Conditions at Work in the General System of Occupational Hazards, held in 2013; to wanted to publicize the development and progress in this area, in order to verify implementation in health care and economic benefits procured the worker, the financial viability of the General System of Occupational Hazards, the research in this area have been made and programs that have been implemented against the risk factors to which this population is exposed.Previous studies have been conducted with the purpose of favoring the General System of Occupational Hazards in its development and growth, as well as serve as a tool in which established the guidelines for analyzing the collected data, allowing design plans restructuring and improving the systems of occupational hazards, among which are the promotion and prevention programs on health and safety at work.This document intends to undertake a systematic analysis based on evidence, in order to define the existing information regarding promotion and prevention programs implemented by the system, to reduce risks they find her working population in Colombia; from a specialized search that allows select, review and summarize the material published about it.

publication date

  • 2015-07-13


  • Access
  • Coverage
  • Exposed population
  • General System of Labor
  • Promotion and prevention
  • Risks working population

Document Id

  • 94f38472-cac8-41a8-b988-31a142dab99d