Perspectiva global de los puertos del Caribe en Colombia Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Alza Bareño, Karen
  • Ramírez Pérez, Carlos


  • After the academicals-business visits we have made in Barranquilla, Santa Marta and Cartagena, in company of the Universidad del Rosario, we have noticed, as well as opportunities, weaknesses in each port partnership. This essay makes an analysis of each port, which allows us, comprehend and understand basic information so that we can, after this, focus on the opportunities and difficulties which these presents. Caribbean-Colombian port’s, are considered “The Business Gate”, a fundamental active in our country’s economy. Is there where bases the importance of this analysis about each port in order to achieve a higher productivity and competitiveness in an international scenario, accomplishing quality standards which allow Colombia to reach and be positioned as an avant-garde country, in infrastructure, technology and services. Lastly, we looked forward to determine opportunities and weaknesses in Colombian ports, as already mentioned, in order to determine possibly positive actions, which contributes and encourages work strategies, so in a mid term, we could be able to be a country, which manage dynamic and productive ports.

publication date

  • June 20, 2018 9:03 PM


  • Competitiveness
  • Infrastructure
  • International business
  • Logistic platform
  • Port terminals

Document Id

  • 95b9ed94-1c27-4050-bd6d-c8f588730550