Fractura de radio distal como predictor de fractura de cadera en mayores de 65 años de un hospital universitario de alta complejidad en Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Carvajal, Luis
  • Medina, Carlos Santiago
  • Salazar, Johana Milena

external tutor

  • Espinosa Aranzales, Ángela Fernanda
  • Espinosa-Aranzeles, Angela-Fernanda
  • Torres de Galvis, Yolanda
  • Trillos, Carlos Enrique


  • Osteoporosis is one of the fastest growing in diseases as the elderly population increases, this results in fragility fractures like distal radius and hip fractures currently we do not have data from our population correlating these fractures.In a retrospective case-control study we obtain a group of patients who have consulted in an emergency department with hip fractures who have or not history of fracture of the distal radius and another control group with hip trauma without fracture.It is found that the average age was 81 years; most of the patients in both groups were 70% women. Were 325 cases (72.5%) and 123 controls (25%). There was no difference in the prevalence of smoking, hypertension or diabetes in the groups. No significant differences were found in levels of glucose, calcium, vitamin D. The presence of history of distal radial fractures in hip fracture group was 7.1% finding an OR 3.91 CI (1.172-13, 1).The presence of distal radius fracture is a predictor for hip fracture. More studies correlating other variables that may influence the association for hip fracture and radio are needed, to identify a specific population that benefits from early treatment.

publication date

  • November 6, 2015 9:29 PM


  • distal radial fractures
  • fragility fractures
  • hip fractures
  • osteoporosis

Document Id

  • 98a550b9-ecbd-4b15-b34a-ac0366689ec3