Balance bibliográfico del campo teatral en Bogotá en el marco de las industrias culturales y creativas Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Siza Salamanca, Luisa Fernanda


  • This article is carry out the bibliographic balance and analysis of the theater in Bogotá within the framework of the cultural and creative industries in the last 20 years. Some of the studies about theatrical activity in the cultural industries are exposed. Whose analysis allows confirming, from the perspective of the orange economy, that the theater sector is in constant interaction with political and economic institutions that demand dynamics other than the arts and their activity in the city.

publication date

  • October 15, 2021 3:26 AM


  • Cultural industry
  • Cultural training
  • Institutionalism
  • Orange economy
  • Theater

Document Id

  • 9c4cb352-f28e-465a-9bad-63dd42af6980