Propuesta de mejoras en el proceso de identificación por radiofrecuencia (RFID) en una Institución prestadora de servicios de salud – (IPS) de cuarto nivel Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Almeida Márquez, Soraya María


  • The supply chain of a hospital has a degree of complexity greater than any other; this, because its main function is to provide inputs that contribute to saving people's lives, therefore, achieving an efficient process and adding value is important. The health sector in Colombia is going through a complex situation, as a consequence of factors that have negatively impacted its economic results, originating risks in its sustainability and from that perspective, hospital institutions are assuming the reduction of their costs as a priority, and they face challenges when evaluating, planning and executing the inclusion of technologies in their supply chains. In addition, this process implies investment of time of the healthcare personnel that must be dedicated to patient care. In this document, there is a proposal for improvement, for a hospital institution that decided to implement radiofrequency identification (RFID), with the main objective of having a novel and useful tool for inventory control of high-cost cardiovascular supplies, which would allow obtaining greater efficiencies in the process, but has not reached all of the proposed goals.

publication date

  • May 19, 2020 1:21 AM


  • Efficiency
  • Logistics
  • Radio frequency identification (RFID)
  • Supplies
  • Supply chain
  • Value chain

Document Id

  • a02f4e88-8fce-47aa-8040-d992d3fa0257