Relación entre los estilos de liderazgo y los niveles de resiliencia de los subordinados Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Pérez Parada, Ana María


  • This paper makes the influence analysis from different leadership types, charismatic and transactional within a manager´s organization over their subordinate, which at the same affects into positively or negatively manner, the level of the resilience of the same.Likewise, there has been identified the relationship between the subordinate resilience level of a company and the corporate achieving objectives. The aforementioned information is justified within the global economy that we are making part, which requires to the companies generate new strategies and competitiveness within the changing environments. Develop and motivate the organization´s human resources become more important for the successful execution of the different strategies.

publication date

  • 2014-07-28


  • Positive psychology
  • leadership
  • psychological capital
  • resilience
  • transactional leadership
  • transformational leadership

Document Id

  • a3555c03-b996-48a1-9821-1aa55f05cceb