El rol de la defensoría del pueblo de Colombia en el sistema de prevención y alerta para la reacción rápida. Su incidencia en la responsabilidad extracontractual del Estado Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Home Chavarro, Karen Andrea


  • The Decree 2124 of 2017 created The Prevention System and Alert for Rapid Reaction. The fundamental objective of this research is to analyze the incidence of this legal system, in the diminution of judgments entered against the State for extra-contractual responsibility derived from the omission of the standard duty of care in attending and preventing violations of human rights. The principal role analyzed, for purposes of this research, is Colombia’s Ombudsman, as the individual responsible for issuing the early warnings under Decree 2890, 2013. This research focuses on the origin of his role, its implementation, and development in Colombia, and the fundamental responsibilities and characteristics of the position. Additionally, this document portraits the variations brought by the Decree 2124, 2017, whether such variations were necessary; and if so, whether the changes brought by the Decree would have and incidence in the diminution of judgments entered against the State for extra-contractual responsibility derived from de omission of the standard duty of care.

publication date

  • September 11, 2019 4:01 PM


  • Early arnings
  • Ombudsman
  • Prevention System and Alert for Rapid Reaction

Document Id

  • a98ac0f0-9409-4b6f-81c6-a07e7ec79d33