La apropiación del discurso emocional, como estrategia de Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, para la movilización de masas Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Rodríguez León, Laura Vanessa


  • This research aims to analyze the appropriation of emotional speech, as Jorge Eliécer Gaitánstrategy, for mass mobilization. The emotional speech analysis involves the study frompsychological, sociological and political contexts that constitute a different scaffold to otherresearch done based on the phenomenon “Gaitán” and the conception of emotion inmobilization. To achieve the objectives of this case study, will be realize a primary sourcesanalysis (speeches Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, documented testimonies of several demonstrationsthat arose in the era in which the political leader was visible in the areas of power will takeplace). Also, a literature review on emotional speech use will take place as a strategy tomobilize masses, influence the decisions of the population, create judgments based on themotivations that mass built and then, generate concrete actions.

publication date

  • July 5, 2016 7:39 PM


  • Jorge Eliécer Gaitán
  • discourse analysis
  • emotional speech
  • mass mobilization
  • mobilization strategy
  • motivation

Document Id

  • aec671ff-c779-4f4f-a5ab-60778cd248e5