Modulación del dolor en pacientes oncológicos usuarios de morfina en el hospital Universitario Mayor de Mederi 2019. Descripción de una cohorte Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Mejía Villa, Oscar Fernando
  • Vallejo Mafla, Fernán Mauricio

external tutor

  • Buitrago Medina, Daniel Alejandro
  • Buitrago-Medina, Daniel-Alejandro
  • Calderon-Ospina, Carlos-Alberto
  • Calderón Ospina, Carlos Alberto


  • Cancer is a major public health issue worldwide. With this being said, Colombia is not an exception for those affected by the disease. Among all the symptoms in patients diagnosed with Cancer, pain is part of the most relevant ones due to its high incidence, which explains the reason to be considered as possibly the most disturbing of the affections. This study aims to describe the characteristics of pain and its evolution in Cancer patients who are active users of morphine at the Hospital Universitario Mayor de Méderi in 2019. The greater number of patients who suffered Cancer pain and were over 18 years old at the hospital mentioned above, experienced either moderate or severe pain according to the visual analog scale (VAS) prior to the morphine dose. Also, the symptom decreased significantly once the dose was applied. Furthermore, no significant differences have been found in terms of pain modulations between men and women, nor between different socioeconomic positions, nor in patients with history of previous opioids use.

publication date

  • August 31, 2021 2:45 PM


  • Analysis of pain management with morphine in cancer patients
  • Cancer
  • Cancer pain
  • Pain modulation
  • Socioeconomic positions

Document Id

  • af1be051-7807-4039-982d-1bd51a4c3c23