Comportamiento del manejo de la provisión de unidades de glóbulos rojos en un hospital público Bogotá, dc. 2011 Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Robayo Montañez Ligia


  • Introduction: One of the problems that the public hospitals in Bogotá experiece is the shortage of units of blood reds (UGR) O; This work aimed to evaluate through indicators, the influence of blood inventory management in a III level public hospital. Method: Retrospective descriptive study, records from district network of blood, blood bank of the Distict Hemocentrot and the hospital transfusion service; evaluating gestion management and disposal took the UGR universe; Results: The Hospital received 4,644 UGR, with 4,719 transfused, reflecting inconsistencies in these data: book / transfusion, time / reservation and not isogroup transfusion, a sample of the universe of complete crossmatch (6,575) Results was used. Participation transfusion service were: Emergency 22.6% (n = 1072), surgery 21.6% (n = 1025), adult ICU 19.2% (n = 912), 17.6% internal medicine ( n = 836), gynecology 6.8% (n = 323). The WAPI index was 0.19% (n = 9) UGR incinerated, the backup time to 24 hours or less than 65.7%, more than 24 hours and less than 48 hours 4.2%, greater than 48 hours and 72 hours less than 0.6% and no information available 29.5%; reservation transfusion of 73%; transfusion isogroup not corresponded 5.1% (n = 18), Distributed cross incompatible 1.7% (n = 6), pediatrics protocol 2% (n = 7) test; Vital urgency 1.4% (n = 5). Conclusions: Compared with other studies good performance of the Wapi (0.19%) and reserve / transfusion (73%) indicators were found. Unmet demand and use UGR component was evaluated by inconsistent records, time / booking information is critical not worth the result.

publication date

  • 2015-05-01


  • Administration
  • Blood transfusion
  • Inventory
  • Management

Document Id

  • b0f4bfb0-1669-4e27-aef0-d439fafcf408