Representaciones de las experiencias de consumo recreativo de marihuana en adultos usuarios de foros virtuales Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Ramírez Medina, Laura Andrea

external tutor

  • Rosales, Juan Esteban
  • Vallejo Silva, Alexie


  • Objective: The aim of the current study was was to use qualitative content analysis to examine the representations about recreational marijuana use, available in Spanish language on an Internet-mediated discussion fórum. Methodology: This study was conducted using a qualitative content analysis methodology to to examine messages posted on an online-moderated discussion forum about experiences of recreational marijuana use. We included forums in Spanish language with a minimum number of 30 participants beteween the ages of 18 and 40 years, written in the last decade. The extracted material was processed and analyzed with strict parameters to guarantee reliability and internal validity. Results: The most frequent representations about the recreational use of marijuana were found within two main categories. The general perception of risk that involves health-disease issues, the relationship with other substances, and control or lack of control in relation to marijuana use. And the category of motivations which was divided into individual and social motivations. Discussion: In light of the results of this research, we appreciate the need for health professionals and psychosocial support agents, to understand the complexity of the social representations which maintain the use of marijuana, and thus find new ways of approaching the consumers. As well as it may enable, the creation of new tools in the virtual field to expand the understanding of consumers and achieve less distant clinical-patient interrelation improving the quality and assertiveness of psychoeducational processes and comprehensive treatment.

publication date

  • December 14, 2018 11:08 PM


  • Internet forums
  • Recreational marijuana use
  • Social representation

Document Id

  • b18c0201-51c4-4505-8dce-cf9a2f41137d