La retroalimentación facial y su efecto en la evaluación de publicidad de humor Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Rojas Restrepo, Sylvana


  • Tomkins (1962) theory of facial feedback hypothesis proposed that facial muscles activation provides sensory feedback to the brain, which influences individual’s emotional experience. From the empirical evidence that confirms the theory, the present study aimed to ratify the effect of facial feedback in inducing emotion when evaluating humor advertising, taking into account that both emotion and humor are attraction strategies frequently used in consumers field. In order to accomplish it, 120 students were exposed to two experimental conditions: downward smile and upward smile while they evaluate 16 humor advertising pictures displayed in Colombia. Evaluations were analyzed in terms of participants condition, sex and type of humor; confirming three hypothesis: 1. Manipulating smiling muscles has a significant effect in evaluation of humoristic pictures, 2. There is significant humor evaluation difference between men and women, and 3. Types of humor are evaluated in a significant different way. This study provides empirical evidence of the theory proposed half a century ago and its effect in today’s consumers’ field.

publication date

  • 2016-06-03


  • Advertising
  • Emotion
  • Facial feedback
  • Humor

Document Id

  • b3672ef8-3103-494e-8f29-836de79249fb