Proyecto de innovación tecnológica para fincas bananeras de C.I. Técnicas Baltime de Colombia S.A. Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Oyola Chaparro, Camilo Andrés
  • Perilla Núñez, Cristian Camilo


  • This study presents an innovation project that aims to evaluate the feasibility of implementing drones in the productive processes of banana crops of the company C.I. Baltime Techniques of Colombia S.A. The main purpose is to allow existing processes to be more efficient through the use of said technology, generating greater benefits reflected in the increase of the profit margin and in the optimization of time and inputs. For this, the costs in which the company must incur for the incorporation of this type of technology were taken into account, as well as the different alternatives. Initially a purchase option of the drones was considered, however for this it must take into account additional costs such as maintenance and qualified personnel for handling. Therefore, it was established that the most viable option is to outsource the process, which means renting the drones.

publication date

  • February 1, 2019 5:40 PM


  • Banana crops
  • Drones
  • Innovation
  • Logistics
  • Precision Technology

Document Id

  • b5a06b2c-8a2c-4190-9098-71662ab548e0