“Es que el caso no es cumplir o incumplir sino hacer mejor las cosas” : Construcción de prácticas y formas locales de manejo de los recursos en el marco de programas de caficultura orgánica en la vereda Boquerón, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Valdés Pereira, Juliana


  • Since 2005 the village of Boquerón has gone through a process of implementation and adoption of organic programs carried out by a peasant community that lives in a context marked by strong socio-environmental changes. In this context, peasants have seen the need of finding ways of “doing the things in a better way”, that is, to find practices and strategies that allow them to continue living and cultivating in the village, but also being organic producers. In this thesis i explore this ways of “doing the things in a better way” around practices as: slash and burning agriculture; hunting; coffee selection and water management. Firstly, i show how around the slash and burning agriculture and hunting, these peasant forms of “doing things in a better way” implies the configuration of a series of strategies of conservation and maintenance of resources. Secondly, in the case of coffee selection and water management i show how this “doing things in a better way ” emerges from process of encounter between peasant knowledge and expert knowledge that transform some elements as: the ways in which peasants understand this planes, notions of co-responsibility in the management of the resources, etc. In each of the chapters i seek to show how in the face of this projects “doing things in a better way” more than just a strategy to flex the normativity, is a way of manage the natural resources and to arrange the locality, that is generated from the peasantry to face the socio-environmental changes of the path, but also to continue in the organic programs. Additionaly, each chapter shows how this process and this practices are fundamental to think the application, formulation and implementation of public policies and development strategies in peasant communities.

publication date

  • January 30, 2019 1:00 PM


  • Arrange the locality
  • Developmental strategies
  • Organic plans
  • Peasant knowledge
  • Resource management
  • Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Document Id

  • b5c6920b-dfa4-4214-ab83-09f5531c1362