Evaluación de impacto nutricional del programa Centros Infantiles de Cultura Productiva (CICP) Tocancipá 2010. Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Rodriguez Prado, Leidi Marcela


  • Introduction. The Programme Childrens Centres for productive culture (CICP), belongs to Tocancipá, it is in charge of the Municipal Social Development Division, it consist in care centers for children from 5 to 12 years, SISBEN 1 and 2, they receive nutritional and school tasks support, within the global initiatives of the MDGs, the National Development Plan 2006-2010 and the Municipal Development Plan 2008-2011. Methods: experimental study pre-post test with a comparison group to assess the nutritional status of children from the central area of the municipality’ CICP in 2010, were evaluated 286 school children with anthropometric indicators height / age, BMI / age according to the WHO 2007 standards. Nutritional classification was determined by z score with Anthro Plus software, t test for independent populations in the SPSS 15 software. Results: Prevalence of risk of low height for age 28.7%, low height for age 12.9%, overweight 12.6%, obese 2.4%, risk of thinness 15% and thinness 2, 8%. Analysis of the menu offered in the CICP program in an observation day supply evidence of 100% of daily requirements, regardless of food intake of each child at home. Conclusions: No statistically significant difference between groups. The prevalence of obesity in the CICP recipient group is 3.9% vs. 1.3% in the control group, related to nutritional intake, which contrasts with the slenderness ratio of the CICP group 4.7% vs 1.3% in control group. It is necessary to conduct a follow-up study to confirm findings of this study.

publication date

  • March 14, 2011 11:01 PM


  • Social policy
  • WHO Child growth standards
  • nutritional status

Document Id

  • bd10ace6-352f-4a29-ac15-7b2318f4968f