La confianza en las decisiones de presupuesto de capital: la TIR del comportamiento Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Barón Baquero, Juliana


  • In the present article, a theoretical investigation developed makes possible to establish a mathematical model for quantifying the influence of managers’ confidence in the process of capital budgeting, specifically about the Internal Rate of Return. Through the Model it can be concluded that overconfidence is a factor that tends to raise this rate, which managers expect to receive when investing in certain projects, hence generating some decision making in the interior of the companies based on slanted numbers, compromising its resources.

publication date

  • 2016-08-03


  • Behavioural finance
  • Corporate finance
  • Investment decisions
  • Overconfidence

Document Id

  • bed62e28-f004-4639-aa49-79e0f15c8f39