Perfil de pacientes de uci neonatal con bronquiolitis en institución de cuarto nivel en Bogotá 2011 Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Aguirre Mondragón, Sandra


  • Introduction: Bronchiolitis has become a high clinical and public health relevance pathology, about which many studies have been conducted regarding treatment and diagnosis. Identifying the profile of patients with this disease in our population justifies going further into its knowledge and its context locally.Methodology: A descriptive observation study of a series of cases was done, consecutive or sequential sampling of patients with bronchiolitis who met the selection criteria in 2011. Data was analyzed in SPSS. A descriptive analysis was done to determine the possible association between the variables.Results: The sample size of the study was 92 children, 50 % male, 50 % female, a number of common characteristics was found. They are discriminated into two groups: socio-demographic characteristics of the patients and their parents and clinical characteristics or manifestations of patients at admission, during and at discharge of their hospitalization, like requirement for supplemental oxygen at admission, days of treatment and hospitalization.Argument: The socio-demographic characteristics that identify patients with bronchiolitis may be determining. For example, belonging to a community in which there is presence of children in school age.Conclusions: Patients at risk of bronchiolitis, for this study, are breastfeeding infants and newborns, equally distributed into male and female patients, 50 % each group. They are children of professional parents, and high school graduates, and from Bogotá. Within their demographic characteristics it was found that living with smokers and school children did not show any difference in the percentage distribution of these variables.

publication date

  • 2014-02-15


  • Bronchiolitis
  • Factors Associated to Bronchiolitis.

Document Id

  • bfc0f06c-f690-43da-ad2b-b81f50268b8e