Prevalencia de seroconversión de toxoplasmosis gestacional en un centro de primer nivel en Bogotá 2018-2019 Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • González Sanchez, Tatiana Alexandra
  • Gutiérrez Jaramillo, Omel David
  • Salas Sanchez, Diana Milena

external tutor

  • Casallas Vega, Alexander


  • Introduction: Gestational toxoplasmosis is a preventable parasitic disease; whose fetal consequences constitute an important area of public health research. The infection rate is related to risk factors such as the number of previous children and sociocultural variables of food handling and consumption. The present study sought to determine the prevalence of gestational toxoplasmosis seroconversion in a first level center in the city of Bogotá in 2018-2019. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study, in low obstetric risk patients between 19-34 years old during October-December 2018 who attend control and whose samples for toxoplasma gondii are taken in the same institution, was carried out. Results: A total of 149 clinical records with a median age of 26 years were included. No patient presented seroconversion for toxoplasma gondii. It was found that there is a statistically significant difference between the presence of IgG antibodies for toxoplasmosis positive and maternal age (p=0.048), the number of previous children (p=0.046) and the total number of samples taken during prenatal controls (p=0.028). Discussion: The characteristics of a low-risk obstetric population are described, 81.8% of the patients had 3 to 5 samples taken during pregnancy, evidencing a prevalence of seroconversion for T. gondii of zero, lower than the national reports of prevalence. Additionally, it was found a statistical association (p<0.005) between maternal age and number of children and immunological memory (IgG) against T. gondii. A patiente was found to have natural antibodies (IgM) against T. gondii.

publication date

  • October 26, 2020 2:05 PM


  • Congenital toxoplasmosis
  • Gestational toxoplasmosis
  • Infection with the parasite Toxoplasma Gondii
  • Seroconversion

Document Id

  • c96ee484-56cf-4491-9ada-682888ccf0a0