Vida y Muerte Empresarial. Caso de estudio Jeans and Jackets. Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Quintero Cerquera, Katherine Johanna
  • Tuirán Moreno, Catalina


  • Within this business study case it will be found information related to JEANS AND JACKETS, a highly recognized company by Colombians consumers, that after 30 years of its operations faces the necessity of benefit from the 550 law of 1999, in order to restructure them liabilities in a moment of global crisis. Since the beginning the core business objective of Jeans and Jackets was selling sophisticated and high quality clothing in order to be recognize as lieder of its target market in the Colombian textile industry. This study case aims to identify the strategic decisions made by the managing unit that lead the company to a liquidity crisis and then towards its mortality. The methodology used will include qualitative variables that will allow the deep exploration of the phenomenon and in the same hand; it will include quantitative variables that will explain the financial situation of the company and development of the same in the textile Industry.

publication date

  • 2015-07-08


  • Business Study Case
  • Core business objective
  • Liquidity crisis
  • Morbidity
  • Restructure of liabilities
  • Strategic decisions

Document Id

  • cd7b7388-e8b8-4e5b-b4d9-ef681962d268