La sexta rama. Medios alternativos y Hip Hop en Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • López Rodríguez, Diego Alfonso


  • After many years, Hip Hop conquered millions of hearts and rap, its most recognized artistic branch, is part of the daily lives of people who do not even know what Hip Hop is. How did this happen? Thanks to the efforts of many artists, who, for years, fought for their art to make room for itself amidst difficulties and prejudices. In the struggle, many opted to create media that would allow them to realize knowledge. From magazines, newspapers, brochures, to radio programs, documentaries and more, hip hoppers found a way to make their culture visible in alternative media. With the passage of time and the explosion of the Internet, these communication initiatives were forgotten. Therefore, as a tribute, this work takes a chronological tour of some of the most representative alternative media of Bogotá Hip Hop and that were prior to the arrival of the Internet and digital communication. Why The Sixth Branch? Since its beginnings, Hip Hop has had four fundamental branches: rap, DJing, graffiti and breakdancing. Hiphoppers often add a fifth fundamental branch: knowledge. Knowledge of history and the pillars of culture. Therefore, in this special I postulate communication, represented in alternative media, as the sixth fundamental branch.

publication date

  • November 9, 2023 8:38 PM


  • Artistic music
  • Graffiti
  • Hip Hop

Document Id

  • d18d2d66-c637-4f62-98a3-b22d6e3fe3fc