Condición actual del proceso exportador de banano colombiano hacia la Unión Europea Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Guzmán Bayona, Laura Marcela
  • Sánchez Vivares, Maria Alejandra


  • Colombia is a country that has a variety of resources that can open doors in an international market, but it is necessary to have good relations and comply with global parameters. For this reason, this research is a measure that can be implemented within the banana sector, to be able to impact a larger society in international trade and have that added value in front of its competition.In this case, the Free Trade Agreement with the European Union offers great support for a country like the one that offers the opportunity to expand in the market and to have new suppliers and customers. However, for the potential use of this agreement it is necessary to reinforce the internal aspects both in the agricultural sector and by the government and thus strengthen manpower skills, research and development in productivity issues and also provide an support in economic aspects, such as credits that entail having guarantees with other countries and thus increases their bargaining power.

publication date

  • February 9, 2018 8:47 PM


  • Banana
  • Colombia
  • Competition
  • European Union
  • Free Trade Agreement
  • International market
  • Opportunity
  • Research

Document Id

  • d1efec8b-b693-484f-b43a-d1b3e91035fa