La gestión tecnológica en el entorno empresarial colombiano: estudio de factores estratégicos para la competitividad y caracterización en el sector terciario en Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Gómez Duque, Simón Alejandro


  • During this investigation the main objective is to analyze the technological management, the competitiveness of the service sector and the SME`s that are part of it. In order to do that, it was necessary to investigate about the different elements so in that way, it was possible to understand the conditions of the Colombian business environment in terms of technology and innovation. Among those elements, is possible to highlight the study of the competitiveness factors of different sources as the OCDE or the national competitiveness report which allowed to understand the situation in a national level. Also, through the technological variables and polls like EDITS, it was possible to have a clear panorama of the technological management taking into account all the different subsectors of the service sector and in that way, make a comparison with the data bases presented in the investigation.

publication date

  • March 16, 2021 6:42 PM


  • Analysis of business competitiveness factors
  • Competitiveness of the tertiary sector in Bogotá
  • National Competitiveness Report 2018-2019 in Colombia
  • Technological management in the services sector
  • Technology and innovation in SMEs in Bogotá

Document Id

  • d44c0e29-0eab-41b7-a9f3-ce714a4ec97a