Diagnóstico y propuesta del servicio al cliente para el agenciamiento aduanero en Almaviva S.A. Sucursal Cartagena Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Canchila Vásquez, Ivette


  • The proposed degree work is to apply Almaviva SA (Warehouses) branch Cartagena theoretical and practical framework for service management and the theoretical basis established by the Faculty of the University of Rosario Carlos Eduardo Mendez as are elements to transform the culture of organizations toward excellence in customer service and a time for customer service, publications which will undoubtedly constitute a model to guide the organizations work towards providing excellent service, satisfaction and loyalty that will generate steady, beating expectations customers with the growing dynamism of the market today are becoming more demanding.

publication date

  • 2010-04-28


  • Customer Service
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Customs Brokerage
  • Moments of truth

Document Id

  • d59011b6-cde1-43b3-a1f9-8cfb7e4209bf