Revisión sistemática de la literatura : efecto de los rellenos inyectables en la región periorbitaria Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Burbano Guillén, Darío

external tutor

  • Ríos-Mora, Carlos-Adrian


  • Introduction: The current knowledge of the pathophysiology of periorbital aging justifies the application of dermal fillers since it focuses on restoring lost volume at this area, making it an excellent alternative to surgical procedures. Nevertheless, the effects and safety of this emerging therapeutic trend are not currently based on a sound scientific basis. The aim of this systematic literature review is to identify the most appropriate dermal filler as a treatment for volumetric aesthetic defects at periorbital region.Methods: A comprehensive search in various electronic databases of indexed articles published from January 1st 2.000 to September 30th 2.013. Fourteen publications were selected, and information regarding demographics, interventions, follow up and outcomes, was extracted and analyzed.Results: All the indexed articles had a low level of evidence and grade of recommendation. While all the fillers were associated with high levels of satisfaction and adequate improvement in the aesthetic appearance and side effects alike, hyaluronic acid was the most commonly used injectable filler material at periorbital region.Discussion: Dermal fillers could correct aesthetic volumetric defects at periorbital region but more evidences to determine the kind of dermal filler most suitable for this condition.

publication date

  • 2014-01-20


  • dermal fillers
  • hyaluronic acid
  • nasojugal groove
  • periorbital rejuvenation
  • tear trough deformity

Document Id

  • d63a2a26-ebd1-4657-a1bf-1a3f06a85d08