Apropiación social del conocimiento en la construcción de la memoria histórica liderada por víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano: aprendizajes metodológicos desde la virtualidad en tiempos de aislamiento Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Ávila-Echavarría, Javier-David


  • This paper engages in a dialogue between two conceptual and intervention traditions, whose relationship is infrequent: the social appropriation of knowledge and the re-construction of historical memory; starting from the question: what is the level of social appropriation of knowledge (scientific-technical and social) in the process of memory construction that is led by the victims of the Colombian armed conflict, and how does it contribute to the development and application of methodologies and instruments that make up social citizen science? This question seeks to expose the methodologies for the construction of historical memory and its representation, through various manifestations of art and culture, used in the accompaniment during such constructions. It also seeks to describe forms of methodological co-construction of historical memory, through the use of virtual resources in remote communities, in addition to analyzing the dialogue and possible reciprocal learning between academia and the communities where these processes are carried out.

publication date

  • April 19, 2022 8:09 PM


  • Construction of historical memory
  • Historical memory
  • Periodic table of knowledge
  • Social appropriation of knowledge
  • Social citizen science

Document Id

  • d79ddb0d-de01-4da9-a824-f47e14cd731d