Revisión sistemática: efectividad de las intervenciones para disminuir y controlar la obesidad y el sobrepeso en la población infantil 2000 a 2012 Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Castillo Morales, Juliette Dahiana
  • Villegas Baldomero, Liliana


  • Obesity and overweight have been associated with an increased likelihood of negative consequences to health. In Colombia, according to the National Survey of the Nutritional Situation 2010 (ENSIN) the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children aged 5-17 is 17.5%. Therefore it is essential to know the strategies currently used for the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity and determine which are most effective and safe, this in order to guide decisions in favor of the resolution of this problem.We conducted a systematic review of the literature, using as a search tool in different databases. Selected studies were randomized controlled trials of interventions to prevent and control overweight and obesity in children aged 4-17 years old. We developed a matrix in which we investigated the heterogeneity of the research included in the review.According to the analyzed studies it can be concluded that interventions generally revealed no significant changes in BMI, found only a minor increase in BMI in the intervention groups compared to control groups.It is crucial to perform studies on obesity and overweight in children, results in changes in BMI were moderate, there are currently a lot of controversy in the reported studies and also requires multidisciplinary and multisectoral participation.

publication date

  • 2012-11-24


  • Childhood obesity
  • Prevention of childhood obesity
  • Randomized controlled interventions

Document Id

  • dc9418dd-4360-404c-9b96-6129cf1b1a54