Régimen jurídico de reparación de los soldados profesionales y conscriptos: análisis desde la óptica de la Responsabilidad Extracontractual y del Sistema de Reparación a forfait Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Campos Salazar, Andrés Felipe


  • This research paper approach the scope of the Tort Liability and the special social security sistem of the Public Forces in occupational hazards, a forfait, to repair the damages suffered by members of the Public Forces, in the categories of Professional and Conscript Soldiers, to conclude with a proposal interpretationfor both systems that prevents the accumulation of the reparations. This solution is appropriate for the legal regime of the Army Forces, ends the discrepancies in the jurisprudence, demonstrates the existence of an interrelation between the reparation systems, facilitates the implementation of alternatives for strengthening the forfait regime without the risk of breaking the rules that prevent double reparation and discourages legal claims against the State.

publication date

  • August 13, 2021 2:58 PM


  • A Forfait Repair System in Colombia
  • Forms of reparation in Colombia
  • Indemnification of A Forfait and responsibility of the State
  • Repair of professional soldiers and conscript soldiers in Colombia
  • Reparation regime for the armed forces in Colombia
  • Social security and reparation system for members of the Colombian National Army

Document Id

  • dd606c85-c266-46e4-83ef-5c79f83e69eb