Monitoreo y gestión de la salud a pacientes con enfermedad crónica pertenecientes ESE San Antonio de Anolaima Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Gonzalez Gil, Reinel
  • Rincon Franco, Nidia Teresa


  • Taking into account the results in recent years in the Social Enterprise of the State San Antonio de Analia regarding the causes of increase in pathologies Hypertension Arterial and Diabetes Mellitus in the adult population was created the need to design the Chronic Disease Management Model on which allows to identify, analyze and treat the risks in this population to avoid complications. Hospital San Antonio de Anolaima is located in the Department of Cundinamarca, province of Tequendama, west of the capital district to the West: Municipalities of Quipile and Bituima and has a population of 13310 approximately. This tool aims to ensure the provision of health services in the first level of care and complementary to the community, optimizing the physical, technological, scientific and human talent resources that the institution has, emphasizing the development of health promotion programs , prevention of diseases, treatment and rehabilitation, articulating all activities in the services offered.

publication date

  • August 13, 2018 10:00 PM


  • Anolaima
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Monitoring

Document Id

  • df737714-915e-47a0-a9e2-085330092f90