Caracterización de infecciones tempranas e intermedias en pacientes sometidos a trasplante cardíaco en la Fundación Cardioinfantíl 2005-2018 Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Márquez Niño, Adriana Isabel

external tutor

  • Arango Duque, Alvaro Ignacio


  • Introduction: Improvement the indications, surgical technique and immunosuppressive therapy have allowed increase survival of patients after heart transplant, but infectious events have emerged as a complication of the procedure and the patient´s immunosuppression condition. Materials and methods: Observational descriptive and retrospective study with the aim of establish the epidemiological and microbiological characteristics of early and intermediate infections in adult patients undergoing heart transplant at Fundación Cardioinfantil since 2005 to 2018. Results: of 87 transplant patients, the median age was 48 years, the 78,2% were men and the main etiology of cardiac failure was ischemic heart disease followed by idiopathic and Chagasic cardiomyopathy. Six months after heart transplant, 54% of patients had infectious complications, bacterial infections were common in the early period and bacterial pneumonia was first with the 34,7%, during the intermediate period the main infection was invasive aspergillosis with the 19%. Infections were more frequent in patients with kidney dysfunction, and in those with higher transfusion of platelets and cryoprecipitates in surgery. After 180 days of heart transplant, 12,6% of the patients had died, it was not found a difference in mortality between the infected group and the non-infected. Conclusions: Infectious complications were frequent, and they appeared in the 54% of heart transplant patients at six month follow-up, the bacterial infections prevailed followed by fungal, viral infections were unusual.

publication date

  • July 21, 2020 5:49 AM


  • Heart transplantation
  • Immunosuppression
  • Infections
  • Mortality
  • Postoperative period

Document Id

  • e61dd4ef-ac32-447f-9870-e27da53fae88