Situación nutricional de la infancia en Bogotá D.C. : evolución de resultados del Sistema de Vigilancia Alimentaria y Nutricional (SISVAN) 1998-2009 Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Riaño, Sandy Mileidy
  • Valero, Ludy


  • Nutritional status is an indicator of quality of life of individuals, malnutrition has become an issue of the child population in developing countries whose reduction has been included in the Millenium Objetives, to tackle this problem, Colombia implemented Epidemiological Surveillance System for Food and Nutrition SISVAN, which since 1998 has collected information on the nutritional status of children. Methodology: Descriptive longitudinal study with an evolutive analysis (ANOVA and Bonferoni) of malnutrition in infants in Bogota, based on reports from SISVAN from 1998 to 2009. The nutritional classification was determined by the NCHS charts. We used SPSS 15 software. Results: Total records purged 1836 .903 (895,638 girls and 941,265 boys) belonging to 20 districts of Bogotá. The prevalence of malnutrition varies found used anthropometric indicators (weight / age, height / age and weight / height), as follows: underweight varies from 2.6% (1998) to 2.8% (2009), 1.5% (1998) to 1.6% (2009) for overweight and obesity 0.8% according to the indicator weight / age for both genders. Height / age: prevalence of 5.1% (1998) to 4.8% (2009) for chronic malnutrition and stunting of 11.7% (1998) to 11.1% (2009). Weight / height index is: 12.7% (1998) to 12.6% (2009) for acute malnutrition, 4.9% (1998) to 4.2% (2009) for overweight and obesity of 4.8% (1998) to 4.0% (2009) . Conclusions: Significant differences exist between the prevalence of undernutrition, overweight and obesity over the years SISVAN report, showing a decreasing trend in obesity, acute and chronic malnutrition, and behavior unchanged for overweight.

publication date

  • 2010-09-28


  • infantile malnutrition

Document Id

  • e7eb7209-1c41-469f-91b0-08617a947fa6