La relación entre democracia, libertad e identidad: una discusión teórica a propósito del caso de las minorías musulmanas del subcontinente Indio en Inglaterra. Periodo (2005-2012)A PROPÓSITO DEL CASO DE LAS MINORÍAS MUSULMANAS DEL SUBCONTINENTE INDIO EN INGLATERRA. PERIODO (2005-2012) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Figueroa Delgado, Daniela


  • The main objective of this project is to show why south Asian Muslim Minorities in England experience increased limitations on their liberties. The first area of the analysis will focus on the economic constraints provoked by the global economic crisis, secondly, the increased levels of intolerance against the Muslim identity and finally, the perception of insecurity caused by the terrorist attacks of 7/7. It can be argued that the negative perception of religious minority in England has catalyzed a societal rejection of the people within these groups. This ostracism has been further augmented by the behavior of extremist Islamic groups. I will refer to both Martha Nussbaum and Zygmunt Bauman, to discuss their assertions that the most feasible way to eliminate fear is by way of respect for the social, cultural and religious differences.

publication date

  • October 17, 2014 10:19 PM


  • Identity
  • Muslim minorities
  • economic constraints
  • insecurity
  • intolerance

Document Id

  • ea14f552-a5b3-4b58-984e-8a5e96d59ceb