Experiencias de vida en mujeres con cáncer de mama en quimioterapia Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Enríquez, Jesús Insuasty
  • Parra Gómez, Carlos Eduardo


  • Introduction: Breast cancer is a common pathology and treatments, like chemotherapy, affect women’s psyche and life experiences. Unfortunately, studies which try to understand the chemotherapy experience are scarce in Colombia. Objectives: To understand the psycho social consequences of chemotherapy treatments in the life experiences of women with cancer, in order to improve the psychotherapeutic elements as well as medical decisions. Methodology: This study was done with a qualitative-interpretive method, using the analytical tools of grounded theory and taking as a methodological framework the ecological model applied to psycho-oncology proposed by Bronfrenbrenner. Results: The following categories were developed as an explanation of the phenomenon: 1. Change experiences in corporeality and emotional reactions. 2. Different meanings of treatment, new beliefs and new goals in life. 3. Experiences with family and community. 4. Experiences with other patients and medical staff. Conclusions: This study shows that women undergoing chemotherapy experience changes in their psyche and in their personal relationships. Women undergoing chemotherapy end up calmly accepting the changes produced by this treatment in their lives, but recognize the need of psychosocial support during this process in order to avoid unnecessary suffering.

publication date

  • April 28, 2011 10:15 PM


  • breast cancer
  • chemotherapy
  • ecological model
  • life experiences
  • qualitative research

Document Id

  • ed218139-d13a-4e1b-b5f6-c36b53b5e1b9