Responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Montes Castro, Claudia Marcela


  • Corporate criminal liability is a topic which more and more acquires relevancy facing a society in constant change, and where criminals improve each and every day their strategies to commit crimes. This paper seeks to make a study about the evolution of corporate criminal liability, from Roman law up to the present day. Also, it will present the development of corporate criminal liability through the different, both, academic and legal alternatives given worldwide, showing each legal system characteristics, in the matter of acceptance, denial or setting rules in different regimes, such as civil law, instead of criminal law. Furthermore, it will be analyzed Colombia´s development in regulation about corporate criminal liability. This monograph concludes with the alternative regulation mechanisms which provide a helpful tool in those countries where non corporate criminal liability is imposed.

publication date

  • September 18, 2013 2:57 PM


  • Compliance
  • Corporate criminal liability
  • legal alternatives
  • regulation mechanism

Document Id

  • f149dcbc-06bb-4f26-b221-bae53c517932