Proyecto de investigación requerimientos logísticos y estratégicos del ecoturismo en Colombia Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Sánchez León, Angie Catherine
  • Vanegas Hincapie, Carol


  • The main objective of this research project is to provide tools that contribute to the implementation of ecotourism projects in Colombia through its historical analysis, supply chain and value chain, in order to propose strategies for the proper performance of ecotourism in the country, taking into account for each of these factors the logistical challenges facing the sector. Starting from the fact that tourism in Colombia is constantly growing, it becomes a great opportunity for the country, its communities, environment and economy, to begin to further strengthen the ecotourism potential that is available thanks to the diversity and immense natural and cultural wealth and richness with which it counts and can be offered to national and international tourists. On the other hand, it is vital to take into account the threats that over the past decades have prevented all this potential from being exploited and working with them to mitigate their effects on the plans that the different government entities have for the country and the ecotourism sector. This project proposes strategies largely related to the strengthening of capital and human talent to have an ecotourism offer of great value, strengthening the interaction between the actors, for which it is very important that the investment budgets are executed for the sector, which is a transcendental starting point in the performance and improvement of logistical requirements for the implementation of ecotourism projects.

publication date

  • August 22, 2018 7:57 PM


  • Competitiveness
  • Ecotourism
  • Ecotouristic Project
  • National Natural Parks
  • Supply chain
  • Value Chain

Document Id

  • f38821f2-39f7-49cd-a4a8-6cb0c739c7d4