Prevalencia consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, jóvenes entre 14-21 años, Bogotá 2017-2018 y su asociación con factores socioeconómicos Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Bernal Parada, Guillermo Stiven
  • Camargo Bustamante, Jennifer Dayana


  • The research consists of analyze the information collected and systematized by the Health Secretary of Bogotá (SDS) through the Epidemiological Surveillance of the abuse of Psychoactive Substances (VESPA) since 2016, with the purpose determine the prevalence of consumption of PSA (Psychoactive substances), particularly basuco, taking into account the socioeconomic factors that influence a person to reach recurrent or frequent consumption (abuse) of the substance. The approach of the study is quantitative, it was carried out through a cross-sectional study, observational, descriptive and confirmatory. Descriptive, exploratory and inferential analyzes were implemented as a methodological alternative that would allow reviewing, analyzing and obtaining the results of the information extracted from the VESPA database, where it was possible to find all consumers between 17 and 21 years old treated for abusive consumption of PSA between 2017 and 2018. The study constitutes a contribution to public health because in recent years in Colombia the number of consumers among young people has grown, generating negative health effects, taking into account that this situation does not discriminate against sex, age or socioeconomic status, and on the contrary, it affects the social environment in which a person finds himself, since it contributes to scenarios of violence, unemployment and lack of education. Due to the above, it is worth exploring which socioeconomic conditions and factors contribute to these problems, since there are no recent studies that show a similar exploration and the prevalence of PSA consumption in Bogotá.

publication date

  • March 1, 2022 1:57 PM


  • Consume of Psychoactive Substances
  • Illicit Drugs
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Socioeconomic Factors
  • Youths

Document Id

  • f41a511e-f1fa-4db5-ad68-fdf350878edb