Efectividad en la canalización yugular guiada por ecografía usando tres diferentes técnicas. Experimento en modelos simulados. Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Gómez Garces, Vladimiro Hernando

external tutor

  • Barragan, Ana M.
  • Bustos Martínez, Yury Forlán
  • Ibáñez Pinilla, Milcíades
  • Ibáñez-Pinilla, Milcíades


  • Introduction: The technical development allows performing effective procedures in critical emergency patients such as canalizing main vessels by echography. This procedure when compared to the blind technique offers advantages as the reduction of complication, better success rate and reduced procedure duration. There are various approach techniques: transversal, longitudinal and oblique, which provides differences in the effectiveness and success rates on each one of them. Materials and methods: An experiment was performed in simulated models with specialists and residents of last year of emergency medicine. Subsequently to standardizing the concepts and approaches of each one of the techniques, the models were exposed in order to determine which technique displays the greatest success rates and effectiveness for channeling the jugular vein with echography guidance. Results: The procedure was effective on 175 replications (97.2%) distributed as follows: success 133(73.9%), redirection 37(20.6%) and second puncture requirement on 5(2.8%). Within the transversal technique the effectiveness was 96.7% (n=58), in the longitudinal was 100%(n=60) and in the oblique of 95.0%(n=57), (p=0.377). For residents the effectiveness was 95.6% (n=86) and for specialists the effectiveness was 95.6%(n=89), (p=0.184). The distribution of success rates displayed that on specialists it was greater by 18.9% than it was on residents (p=0.004), by gender men have a greater success rate with 18.7% than women (p=0.009, OR=3.12, IC95%: 1.30, 7.52). Discussion: No significant difference was found in the use of any technique, but the trend favors the longitudinal technique, which obtained the greatest percentage of effectiveness and success.

publication date

  • November 21, 2014 1:03 PM


  • Echography guide
  • Simulation.
  • main vessel canalization

Document Id

  • f42f3cd4-965f-49e0-b284-6294c4432ce8